Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Potty Training books for children

No more Diapers for Duckie
by Bernette Ford

Ah! Potty training is in the works here at our house. Since K loves to read, I finally found two books that she absolutely loves and requests every time she sits on the potty. No more Diapers for Duckie is very simple with big pictures and few sentences. Its about friendship and learning how to use the potty. Duckie goes to pigs home to play with his toys. But, when he arrives piggie is busy using the potty and can't play. Duckie plays with pigs toys and reads his books while he waits. After awhile of playing by himself, Duckie decides he wants to use piggies potty. Off goes his diaper and he runs to the bathroom. Then piggie is the one to wait on duckie while he uses the potty. Its really a cute book. Very friendly and easy to relate to for little ones.

The potty book for girls
by Alyssa Capucilli

A little more in depth with the process of potty training. The book takes the reader through the steps of using the potty and how you know you are ready. Can you brush your teeth, get yourself dressed and wash your hands? then you are ready. This is the book K screams from the potty for. "Mom! I need the potty book for girls!" I laugh but its comforting for her to hold and watch Hannah learn how to use the potty.

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