Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What we have been reading!

I assure you despite the lack of posts, we have been reading! We have gotten to the point where the number of childrens books that we plow through on a daily basis is too much to blog. We are just going to have to stick with the ones that stand out and our favorites to post. Our trips to the library are also becoming extensive and we have been going through books on the shelves and its getting harder to pick out which ones we will bring home and the ones I am willing to read over and over again.
As much as I would love to dive right into the classics with my 26 month old (James and the Giant Peach and Charlotte's Web). I refrain for the time being. She wants to have more lengthy books read to her for example the Dr. Seuss series because she is all about rhyming words. We have also started to check out the beginning readers series levels one and two and I can read books (above). The stacks are so much easier to carry around and there are a variety of them teaching everything from good manners to clean up and potty training which I love.

A lot of people have asked how come she is so smart and what I have been doing to teach her to speak so clearly to her. My answer has always been "READ." I have always read to Kyla on a daily basis ever since she was seven months old. I should say "I read WITH her not TO her." How can you go wrong with reading and engaging your kids in a story and what better way to speak more clearly then through a book?

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